A Guestbook Glimpse: August Long at the Ruzicka Cabin

Woke up this morning to Shane's report of pelicans gracing our time here with their presence. As they gradually took flight, the beavers emerged through the pre-solar mist and patrolled their rodentdom, while the earth turned to reveal the emerging glow of the new day. 

After breakfast and some time spent listening to the awakening of more and more bird species, rustlings in the forest behind the cabin drew our senses over to discover a white-tail bounding along, escaping the pursuit of an ambitious coyote trailing behind. Only moments later, a hummingbird briefly buzzed over, paused for its morning greeting, and carried on to feed somewhere or to amuse some other fortunate soul along its journey. All this among the spooky hoots of the great horned owl (which we later caught a glimpse of while we earthed through the forest), the acrobatic show of the barn swallows, and the reverberating putter-putter of waterfowl flying low, short flights between reed bays along the shore. This place has clearly gifted us with a nourishing, sensual experience of its biodiversity for which we feel a gratitude as profound as the interconnectivity evident in this ecosystem. Thank-you Don and Marie for sharing this space so willingly. Thank-you as well for our time together here and your commitment to the region and the communities within.


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